Monday, November 16, 2009

The weekend isn't over

1. Spent a good part of the day helping out at the Ontario Cyclocross Championships. Lots of fun and hot cyclist dudes in spandex.

2. Lazy evening catching up on the PVR. Love 30 Rock. Love that the new cast member is from Ottawa. Loved the part where Kenneth pulls out a pizza box full of waffles. Seriously, if you're not watching this show you're missing out.

3. Up late. Doesn't matter though cause I'm off tomorrow! Woot!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm back!

1. Three day weekend coming up. Have I mentioned how kick ass working at a school is?

2. Just got the Glee Soundtrack. I am an unabashed Gleek!

3. Booked my flight home for the holidays. Can't wait to spend some time with my Mom, Dad and Gramma. Adina and Mikki Lee too. It will be good to get away for a bit too.