Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday off

1. The slower pace at the office meant that I could take yesterday off and not stress about how much work I'd have to catch up on today. What a luxury!

2. Had an amazing time at Folk Fest on Saturday with my pal Greg. Conversation is so easy with him...he's just such an interesting guy. The Hidden Cameras were tons of fun and Calexico was even better than I expected. I loved that one of the mariachi guys was named Sergio mendoza. Coolest name ever!

3. Sunday lunch and games with the Carleton girls was tons of fun too. And seeing Deb's boys is always wonderful. They're growing up into clever, caring and cool kids.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Great weekend

1. Friday night beach volleyball with some of my fave peeps. Best way to wind down after the work week.

2. Beachcombing with Cat and Mario in Dunrobin on Saturday night. Love that Cat built us a living room out of rocks and that Mario made an awesome campfire.

3. Brunch with Regan on Sunday. Catching up after way too long. Love how easy it is to just pick up where we left off. So glad to have such a clever, caring friend.

Time spent with friends...the most valuable thing in the world.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


1. Rachelle linked to me today, just as I was thinking "I really should get back to my blog." Thanks for the inspiration Ms. Rachelle!

2. Painting my nails with a rainbow of colours. So much better than one colour!

3. The colour and pattern of the dress I'm wearing today. So sunny and summery. Got a compliment from the girl at Starbucks this morning and a whistle from one of the trainers at my gym. Maybe I should wear this more often!
